It's Sunday and raining so what better day to begin my first project with my new machine.
First of all, the machine sews like a dream. Everything is just a push of the button; push a button the needle goes up, push a button the machine sews in reverse, the machine even threads itself. Even changing to the zipper foot is magical in comparison to the olden days.
I'm used to sewing with a commercial pattern so at first I wasn't sure I'd be able to follow Jody's instructions but they were so thorough and with the great photos I was able to make it all the way through without any major mishap.
Wallah!!! Here is the finished product.
Now that I've read the instruction booklet and watched the DVD on how to use my Brother XR-900 sewing machine I'm ready to get started. What will be my first project? I was thinking to start small and simple such as a wristlet wallet similar to the one that was stolen from my purse the week of Christmas. Instead of driving to the fabric store to peruse the pattern books like I used to, I Googled "wristlet pattern" and whallah, a beautiful blog with a wristlet tutortial appeared. The tutortial, created by Jody from Maryland, gave step-by-step instructions along with amazing photos to illustrate the process. Wow! And in addition to the amazing lesson, her wristlet design was by far the coolest one out there. I could do this, I surmised. (Click on my photo above to go to Jody's tutorial).
I've taken out some of the few sewing supplies I saved from the olden days; a few zippers, dozens of spools of thread, a raggedy tape measure, an antique pin cushion and a few samples of fabric I couldn't depart with when I gave away the rest. Surely I could start with this. Yes, except her instructions call for some interfacing which I no longer have. So I will need to run down to the fabric store (now a craft store called Joann's) after all. Maybe this weekend.
I'm about to embark into the world of sewing again. It's been over 15 years since I laid down my pinking shears, bias tape and shoe boxes stuffed with old patterns. Why did I give it up and why am I taking it up again? Both tough questions.
My introduction to sewing was in Home Ec in seventh grade, but it was mother who taught me and my two sisters all the important things we needed to know about sewing. How to lay out the pattern on the grain of the fabric, to press (iron) every seam before moving on to the next step, to hand baste the hem, and how to take turns on the one sewing machine the four of us shared. I learned to love to sew and for the next twenty three years I stitched everything I could including my wedding gown, my daughter's layette and many of her clothes when she was younger than ten. I took a two-year apparel design course at our community college where I learned to make a tailored wool coat. I mean I loved to sew!
And then I got busy with other things, which is entirely another story, and I stopped sewing. Cold turkey.
Two years ago I gave away my old sewing machine that I had bought in college. The inexpensive model from JCPenneys that was to get me by until I could afford the top of the line. I gave it away because it was taking up space in my closet floor and I thought maybe someone out there might by happy to sew with it. Then last year I felt like I might want to sew again. Not my wardrobe like last time, but perhaps some simple things like a tote bag or decorating journal pages with fabric. Nothing too complicated.
My husband put a brand spanking new sewing machine under the Christmas tree for me this year. I have to admit that I picked it out ahead of time and steered him right toward it. It's capable of sewing button holes in a matter of seconds and has more embroidery stitches than I might ever use. When I opened the box I was surprised at how light weight it is, I can lift it easily with one hand unlike the heavy metal one my mother shared with us. It feels like a new toy. I'm savoring the instruction booklet which is unlike me. I know that threading the machine and winding the bobbin will be like reconnecting with an old friend. And with my mother.
I've been talking about starting a blog of my own for some time, at least since my daughter started hers while traveling through Africa two years ago. I loved keeping up with her travels by reading her blog. I want to keep a blog too, I thought at the time, but what would I write about? I was'nt an adventurer like she was, describing unusual situations and cities each day. I was at home working at the same job, living in the same town that I had been for years. So the idea of a blog of my own has been simmering for some time.
So what will I write about now that I've started? Now that I have a blogger name and address? I'm sure I will think of something interesting enough at least to keep me satisfied. I am convinced that being a participant by writing something and putting it out there will be more fulfilling in the long run than just viewing what everyone else in the world is saying and doing.