This easy baby quilt is made with flannel, but cotton will also work, and only takes a few hours to make. You will need the following:

Cut 2 each 19" x 3-1/2" strips. Stitch to the long edges of the center piece, right sides together, to create first border. Use 1/4" seams. Iron seams open.
Cut 2 strips of the fabric to be used for the second border the length of the long edge and sew rights sides together. Repeat for the other two edges.
Cut 2 strips of the fabric to be used for the third border the length of the long edge and sew rights sides together. Repeat for the two other edges.
Cut the backing fabric the same size as the finished front side. Pin the batting to the wrong side of the backing fabric using safety pins. I find that curved safety pins work best.
Trim batting to match size of backing fabric.
Pin back and front fabric rights sides together. Remove safety pins. Baste edges.
Stitch front to back using 1/2" seams. Trim seams and corners. Turn inside out and push out corners. Press edges.
Top stitch 1/4" from edge of quilt. Top stitch 1/4" from edge of each border. Baste first for best results. Top stitch center piece 4" from center piece edges. Photo shows top stitching on back of quilt.
I learned how to make this quilt by watching the video on the following site: .
If you'd like to make a baby quilt but don't have a baby to give it to, Newborns in Need,,would love to receive it.
A variation of the same quilt.
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