At first I thought I'd just get my feet wet with my sewing machine before purchasing any other new tools. After all I had asked for a sewing machine for Christmas without really knowing whether I'd actually use it or not. I just felt like I needed to be creative again. So, I've made a few wristlets. Is that enough? Am I ready to put my machine in the closet? Hardly.
I've begun sewing a baby quilt although it's probably not technically a quilt but more of a baby blanket considering I don't really know the difference between sewing and quilting. I do know that I need a sharp pair of scissors though and even though I still have the ones from twenty years ago I allowed them to be used for cutting paper since I thought my sewing days were over. And anyone who sews knows that cutting paper with sewing scissors is like death to them. Somehow I managed to cut out the fabric for the small wristlets using these old scissors. Really it was more like hacking away at the cloth but with wristlets the fabric can be a little off here and there and it will turn out to be good enough. But since I'm ready for larger projects I decided to splurge and buy myself a good pair of sewing scissors.
Which ones to buy? I searched the net and found that the favorite amongst seamstresses seemed to be Gingher. I ordered a pair on line, a beautiful floral handled pair. They arrived in a cool metal box with a safety guard for the tips. I've never owned such a lovely pair of sheers.
After I ordered the new scissors, I found an on-line tutorial video on how to make a baby blanket. .The instructor didn't use scissors at all but a rotary cutter. Cutting out the strips of fabric seemed so much easier with this new tool. I don't think rotary cutters existing 18 years ago. At first I thought, "I just bought these cadillac of scissors, I'm going to use them, I've always used scissors, why would I change now?" But in the back of my mind I'm thinkig that rotary thing really does look faster and slicker. Should I change and embrace the new or be stubborn and do it the way I've always done it?
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